Monk Fruit
This Sweetener is a Natural Sugar
Natural sugars are found naturally in foods such as fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose) and some vegetables. Monk fruit is a small round fruit native to southern China. The fruit contains natural sugars of fructose and glucose. The antioxidant mogroside V is what gives monk fruit its sweetness. Mogroside V is separated from the pressed juice of the fruit, so in turn, this sweetener does not contain fructose or glucose.
It’s a Non-nutritive Sweetener
Non-nutritive sweeteners have little-to-no calories or nutrients. Monk fruit is typically less refined, but may be sold containing other ingredients. When monk fruit granules are mixed with other sweeteners or fillers, it becomes more processed. Only use the most pure form of the extract. This sweetener has zero calories, zero carbs, zero side effects, and it doesn’t raise blood glucose levels.
Inside and Out
Monk fruit sweetener is very sweet and has a course sugar-like consistency. It is not metabolized, so it does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels. Mogrosides are not absorbed in the small intestine and do not contribute any calories. When they reach the large intestine, gut microbes split off the glucose molecules and use them as an energy source.
Put it to Good Use
Monk fruit is roughly 200% as sweet as table sugar. You have to adjust recipes to reduce the sweetness. When making creamy desserts, such as cheesecake and custards, it’s best to powder the granules before adding them to your other ingredients.
The liquid form dissolves quickly and is best for adding to cold and hot drinks. Four drops is the equivalent to 1/2 tsp of sugar.
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